MAJOR Updates to Online Store, plus NEW E-Type Panel Catalog!

Well, I finally did it – the store is up to date.  OK – for the most part…  I still have a few things to photograph and add, but we are LIGHT YEARS ahead of where we were 48 hours ago!

And I did it again – I spent MANY hours this past week and weekend when I should have been sleeping doing a MAJOR overhaul to the website as far as identification and sales of the panels we fabricate is concerned.  Here are the Highlights:

  1. I added a new section called the “Online Catalog.”  This looks alot like the other blog entries, but is broken down into a dozen categories of the groups of panels we make here.  Each section shows full-color, high-definition photos of the part, and a detailed description of where it goes, how it is formed, and includes the Jaguar Part #’s wherever possible.  I think you will find that these pages are easy to follow, and even informative!
  2. Next, I did a total overhaul on the online store – which I’ll admit, was LONG overdue…  Now (with a few exceptions), the store contains the panels that we make here with up to date pricing – LOTS of new products!
  3. Frequent blog readers will be happy to hear that I also updated the module that shows items for sale along the RH side of the website.  Lets face it, this has been stagnant for a LONG time, with some pretty boring products…  Now, I’ve tried to show a good mix over there, highlighting some of the more popular pieces.
  4. Another new feature is the offering of discounted “kits” for panels that are frequently purchased together.  If you are replacing sills, you typically need ALL of the closing panels – that’s now a kit.  I’ve also put together kits for rebuilding the heater, and for converting later Series cars to covered headlights.  Finally, I am in the process of offering the “hidden subframe” as a kit either with or without the tubing itself – watch for that in the coming weeks!
  5. Next, I did a complete “re-org” of the parts department, with all new bins!  For a guy who LIKES to be neat and organized (but rarely has the time!) this was a nice treat!
  6. Finally, I updated several pages throughout the website with easy access links to both the new catalog and the online store.  They look like this:

Click Here to view our NEW Online Panel Catalog!

Click Here to purchase panels in our Online Store!

But I’m and old-fashioned guy at heart, and if you are too, you can still just pick up the phone and call with your order!  We will pull it together and send out a PayPal Invoice and then ship it out.  That really works great – we get to have a good conversation about what you’re trying to do and I can help out and steer you in the right direction for what I think is the best way to make the needed repairs.

OR – some customers just email photos and basically say, “I need whatever I need to fix THIS!” – and you can do that too!  Sometimes it’s one small panel or area that results in one part, other times it’s a couple dozen photos of a really tired E-Type and I send them everything they need at once.

But that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have a great online store – and I think that we are FINALLY on our way there!  Sorry for the delay – the problem has been the time and effort it takes to build it – I’m too busy building E-Types!

Enjoy all of the new information – hope you like the changes, and are maybe even able to learn something new! – Chuck

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